Microservices development deep dive


DATE: Wednesday the 22nd of March.
LOCATION: Polo Didattico – Piazza Oderico da Pordenone, 3 (Rome)

Go beyond the hype and build a solid foundation of theory and practice with this workshop on Microservices development. This one day deep-dive will be a journey from SOA concepts to DevOps practices to fully understand what Microservices are and how to design, develop and manage them.

Take a look to the Special Package:
“1 Workshop + Conference Ticket”: we offer 15% DISCOUNT on the total price!
Click here to know how to obtain these discounts.



The workshop is full-day (8 hours) from 9:00 to 18:00, with one hour lunch break.

CHECK IN: 8:30 – 9:00

Every 8 hours workshop’s ticket is fixed:
– to 130 € from the beginning of the sales till the 26th of January;
– to 160 € from the 27th of January till the 23rd of February;
– to 190 € from the 24th of February till the 14th of March;
– to 220 € from the 15th of March till the 15th of March till the end of sales.

Take a look to the Special Package:
“1 Workshop + Conference Ticket”: we offer 15% DISCOUNT on the total price!
Click here to know how to obtain these discounts.


Mauro is a Solution Architect in Particular Software, the makers of NServiceBus, and longtime Microsoft MVP. He spends his time helping developer building better .NET systems leveraging Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) principles and message based architectures. When he is not busy with distributed systems he loves to go back to one of his first loves: rich client development using XAML based technologies. Mauro usually writes about technology, but not only, on his blog at //milestone.topics.it. He is also passionate about skiing, classical dance and music, in general.

Go beyond the hype and build a solid foundation of theory and practice with this workshop on Microservices development. This one day deep-dive will be a journey from SOA concepts to DevOps practices to fully understand what Microservices are and how to design, develop and manage them.
We’ll cover architectural topics like:
– UI decomposition
– Data ownership
– Scalable command-processing
– Pub/sub interactions
– Long-running business processes
You’ll also learn the details of building production ready Microservices including:
– Reliable 3rd party integration
– High Availability and versioning.

– Introduction to boundaries and data ownership
– Services UI Composition
– Microservices and vertical slices
– Exercise: evolution of a composite UI application
– Introduction to Pub/Sub as a communication pattern
– Reliable messaging concepts
– How to reduce coupling across microservices
– Exercise: Build intra-microservices communication using Pub/Sub
– Introduction to Commands as a communication pattern
– Anti Corruption Layers & Reliable integration with 3rd party systems
– IT/Ops and server side data-composition when integrating with 3rd parties
– Exercise: Build a 3rd party integration layer
– Long running business transactions: sagas
– Saga patterns overview
– Scale out and versioning
– Exercise: create a sample saga to coordinate across microservices
– Wrap up

We’ll build a simple, yet fully functional, e-commerce sample completely based on microservices concepts.
We’ll discuss and understand Service Oriented Architecture concepts, dive into DDD concepts such as Bounded Contexts and Data Ownership.
We’ll also discuss basics of command processing, publish/subscribe and long-running sagas patterns.
Finally we’ll get an overview of deployment and versioning scenarios and options to handle them.

Senior developers, Lead developers, Architects.

– Basic knowledge of C# to play with the exercises.
– Basic knowledge of the MVC presentation pattern
– Javascript knowledge is a plus, however not mandatory

– Windows
– Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
– latest .NET framework installation (at least 4.6.1)
– Basic C# knowledge
– Info for the exercises https://github.com/Particular/Workshop.Microservices
– Check https://github.com/Particular/Workshop.Microservices/blob/master/faq.md#how-to-get-ready-for-the-workshop to know how to prepare your machine
Partecipants need to bring their own laptop.

Seats are limited.
The workshop will be held only if the minimun number of attendees is reached.

Take a look to the Special Package:
“1 Workshop + Conference Ticket”: we offer 15% DISCOUNT on the total price!
Click here to know how to obtain these discounts.


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