The Coolest Geek Contest by Cisco
win an iPhone 7, an Electric monowheel and a pair of Beyerdynamic Headphones!
Who’s the nerdiest of Codemotion Rome? Find it out by beating the chatbot at the “Coolest Geek Contest” by Cisco!
Are you willing to test your knowledge about programming, history of programming and nerd culture in general? Then answer 10 Quiz questions as fast as possible!
Challenge yourself and/or your friends with this cool Cisco Contest!
It will be fun!!
You will be able to know how fast you are by checking your score that will appear on a screen outside Cisco’s Lab room!
And then the best part: a chatbot will supply the questions and it will tell you if you are doing great or not! Have you ever played against a chatbot? There’s always a first time for everything and this is very cool, right?!
What if you win the competition beating the chatbot and all your friends?
Well… You will receive some cool stuff!
First prize: an Apple iPhone 7 32gb black
Second prize: an Electric monowheel by Monorover
Third prize: a pair of Beyerdynamic hi-fi headphones
Challenge accepted?
Find the Cisco’s Contest Area at Codemotion Rome, download the Cisco Spark mobile App and start the Quiz!
Good luck!
(Winners will be awarded on Saturday, March 25th during the closing ceremony).