Companies’ Stamp Contest
Win a wonderful gadget and fly to (Codemotion) Berlin!
Every year our team organises a brainstorming meeting to come up with an original and, let’s say it, amazing idea for the Codemotion Contest.
Do you remember the terrific pins of the last year’s edition? They were awesome, weren’t they?
Well, for Codemotion Rome 2017 we are organising another super cool contest for you!
You are going to collect stamps!!! Yes, stamps!
We prepared a funny comic strip with the instructions on the back-side of the stamp form!
Just follow them!
If you collect at least 20 stamps you will receive a nice, incredible, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious gadget!
You can pick it up at the Codemotion desk!
Besides, by collecting 20 stamps, you can also participate to the Codemotion Prize Draw and win…
A ticket for Codemotion Berlin with the flight included!!!
Big prize, don’t you think?!
Follow the instructions on the stamp form that you will receive together with your personal badge at the Conference and start your collection!
Have fun!